nXcomms: Intelligent Patient Simulation
nXcomms: Intelligent Patient Simulation
nXcomms is a multi-phase Defense Health Agency (DHA) SBIR project (contract W81XWH20C0101), led by Biomojo®. Biomojo® used a proven modular and extensible approach to add natural language processing (NLP) and AI features to simulated patients – both medical manikins and virtual patient simulators (screen-based and 3D holograms).
nXcomms uses state-of-the-art technologies to provide enhanced training experiences, including capabilities for:
- Learners to ask natural questions and receive intelligent responses from the simulated patients
- Instructors to use natural language to lessen cognitive burden while dynamically controlling the training simulation
- Influencing the simulated patient's emotional state and the underlying physiology
AI functions allow this software to learn and calibrate better after iterative training events.
- Heneghan J, Conover B, Heneghan C, Wall C, Cisarano J, Vasios WN, Harris T, Hobbs G, Hubal R. nXcomms: Developing the intelligent patient simulation platform. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education (I/ITSEC) Proceedings